Mercury Retrograde Spell - This spell will be cast on March 29th - CAST 3/29/24 7:48am CSTMercury retrograde can cause communication issues, revisiting the past, and electronics issues among other things. This spell will help things go more smoothly when Mercury is in retrograde. You will be more protected from negative effects and good energy will flow more freely [...]
Super Luck and Money Spell - This spell will be cast on February 23rd - Cast 2/23/24 7:35 am CSTIf you can't seem to get a break and things aren't going your way, this spell can bring you new opportunities and luck in all areas of your life. I'm not just talking about gambling, luck can take [...]
Psychic Vampires Protection Spell - This spell will be cast on February 2nd - Cast 2/2/24 7:25 am CSTThe psychic vampires that I am referring to are humans who literally drain energy from other people. Some know they are psy vamps and others have no idea but either way it’s equally destructive.They usually have a select few people that [...]
12/29/23 Drawing winner - 3 spirits or 3 spells direct bound/cast - Congratulations CC. All customers for the week are given a queued number at the time of their orders. Then the winner is chosen via randomNew Beginnings Spell - This Spell will be cast on December 29th - CAST 12/29/23 7:17 am CSTThis spell is meant [...]
12/1/23 Drawing Winner - Free Direct Bound Royal spirit of any species. Congratulation IH! All customers for the week are given a queued number at the time of their orders. Then the winner is chosen via random number generator.General Blessing in All Areas - This spell will be cast on December 1st - CAST 12/1/23 7:49 [...]
Witch's Moon Spell - This spell will be cast on October 27th - CAST 10/27/03 8:00 am CSTThis is a unique spell it gives you access to all the power and energy that I generate in my own castings. You can use this power to cast your own spells, wish, manifest, heal, or whatever else you want. I [...]
Break Blockages Spell - This spell is set to be cast on September 29th - CAST 9/29/23 8:15 amThis spell is designed to break down blockages in your life that may be holding you back in all areas of your life. It will break and destroy negative energy, break blocks, and give you a clear path ahead. [...]
This spell is set to be cast on August 31st - Emotional Healing Spell - CAST 8:49 an CST 8/31/23This spell helps one to heal emotionally from trauma, pain, and past hurts of all kinds. It can help lift spirits, heal old pain, and help you move forward in a positive way in life. It can also [...]
The solstice blessing spell went beautifully. For all of those included you should get extra blessings coming your way. Two squirrels decided to join in with the ritual as well, which is always fun. I made a cute little altar outside and the day was perfect. The solstice is one of the 8 Sabbats in Wiccan/Pagan [...]