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June Weekly Spell


Evil Eye, Hex, and Curse Protection Spell - This spell will be cast on 6/28/24 - CAST 6/28/24 7:28am CST

This spell banishes the evil eye, hexes, and curses of all kinds. Cleansing and eliminating this negativity from your life.

Hexes and curses are really the same thing. Someone has knowingly sent a negative force to you to harm you and ruin your life. It happens, make no mistake about it. Even a prayer with evil intentions can be a curse.

The evil eye usually happens "accidentally" so to speak. Someone sends negativity to you unknowingly through jealousy or hate. It is not a conscious thought but the result is the same as a regular curse.

If you have been cursed in any form your life is in a downward spiral. It seems nothing that you do turns out right and everything is much harder than it should be. Money, luck, relationships, health, and happiness all seem to be a thing of the past. Each day brings more trials and you are probably just barely hanging on.

This spell is to cleanse and eliminate this negative force and restore your life. Gradually things can start to improve in every area of your life. You can be happy and life can be enjoyable again. Luck can return, money, health, happiness, good relationships, and everything else that has been stolen from you can return to you.

If someone is actively sending this into your life this spell will also send their energy back to them and prevents them from harming you in the future. The negative energy they are creating will stay in their life and affect them instead of you. So if someone you know suddenly takes a turn for the worse, they are probably the one. This does not curse them, it just lets them reap the benefit of what they create. If they stop creating the negativity then it won't affect them anymore. 

ENHANCE MY PSYCHIC ABILITIES SPELL - This spell will be cast on 6/21/24 - CAST 6/21/24 7:17am CST

This spell is designed to open and enhance and natural psychic abilities that you have. It will help sharpen your skills and you may even develop new skills as well. Just keep practicing and using your skills daily and the spell will help you get better results and more accurate information from your abilities.

Remember to focus on the psychic abilities that you have, not just ones that you want. We all have a unique set of psychic gifts and we don’t necessarily get specific ones at will even if your 3rd eye is open. So, this spell enhances your own inherent abilities.

Doing divination often and daily meditation helps the spell work even better and faster.

GENERAL CLEARING SPELL - This spell will be cast on 6/14/24 - CAST 6/14/24 8:03 am CST

This spell is done to clear any type of negative, old, and stagnant energy around you. It also helps clear and reset your aura.It eliminates any current hexes and prevents new hexes and harmful energy coming to you. It also protects from your own negativity and harmful unbound spirits.

If you have incurred bad karma it can also help clear that as well. It even clears and protects from psychic attacks.

Basically, this spell clears any type of negative magick, entities, or energy.

NEW BEGINNINGS SPELL - This spell will be cast on 6/7/24 - CAST 6/7/24 7:52 am CST

This spell is meant to help you leave the past behind and provide blessing energy for a new beginnings. It helps to break old patterns and gives you a better opportunity to reach a turning point in life. This spell is great for resolutions, life changes, and even just to get rid of stagnant energy.

It also adds positive energy to make transitions and changes go as smoothly as possible.

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