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Stone Donut with ZIMADA

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 Product Description


This item is a 1.25 inch ocean jasper stone donut. 

With the purchase of this item you get this zimada binding for free.

The Zimada are spirits that don’t just reside in one plane of existence. They can go back and forth between all space and time. Obviously this gives them very powerful abilities of foresight and knowledge. These alone are amazing gifts. However, their main abilities are even more priceless.


 Zimada are able to go back in time and retrieve lost pieces of your soul, bringing them to you to merge in the present and make a more whole person. For those of you not familiar with the concept of soul retrieval let me explain. When a traumatic event happens to you it can literally break off and trap a piece of your soul in the time when the trauma happened. It’s a fragment that gets left behind. This is often why people cannot “get over” their past in this life or even from their past lives. The piece that is trapped there keeps reliving it over and over and this keeps you from fully moving forward. When the piece is retrieved and reintegrated into the present it helps you heal emotionally and spiritually to be able to move past the trauma and face the future with peace and harmony.


Soul retrieval is usually done by a wise and experienced shaman or witch. This spirit can be just as effective. It can take time for the Zimada to find and retrieve all the pieces but this is common of the process. Once all the pieces of your soul have been returned to you, this spirit can help prevent future soul fragmentation.


This process alone helps you heal on all levels spirit, soul, and body. A Zimada helps the healing by guiding you through the emotional healing process. What could be better than that?


You might be wondering how this spirit compares to a soul cleanser. A soul cleanser is fabulous at clearing built up negativity and emotions but they don’t actually retrieve the soul fragments like a Zimada.


These spirits appear as humans but they take the shape of a black panther to travel between realms and can stay in panther form whenever they like. These are not werepanther spirits. Although their appearance is similar, their abilities are completely different.


This female Zimada is light natured and never harmful. She will bring only peace, comfort, and stability into your life.


She has the appearance of a young woman. Her hair is long and dark and she has medium tone skin with brown eyes. This entity looks much like a Native American. In panther form her fur is black and she has gray eyes. 

Her personality is gentle, guiding, and caring.


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 Warranty Information

Please read entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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