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 Product Description


This item is a size 10 garnet and silver ring. 

With the purchase of this ring you get these entity bindings for free.

This collection of entities all come from the British Isles/Ireland and are all ready to bring the energy of the Celts into your life.

A human Druid, Coir Djinn, Celtic Angel, Celtic Vampire, Bidden of Jidd Elf, Youthful Dreams Fairy, Leprechaun, and the Goddess Brigid and God Lugh are all together for a wonderfully fun and positive collection. Several of these spirit types are rare and very unique.


 This first spirit is this male Celtic Druid human spirit from Ireland. 

Druids were the bards, priests, and leaders in the Celtic tradition. There are modern druids that follow the path of the ancients as much as they can but little is actually known of the ancient druids and their practices. 

It is general knowledge that the druids worship and revere nature. They see the sacred in every aspect of their environment and treat the earth with utmost respect. They are especially connected with oak trees which are holy to them. 

There was also a darker side such as fierceness in battle and appeasing the spirits. However, this is a necessary part of life for survival. 

This spirit is that of an ancient druid. He is a powerful and spiritual being who leans more to the light part of the spiritual world. He was a revered and honored leader. There is much he can teach his human, many mysteries to discover. If he is inclined, he may teach you the most ancient and sacred traditions that have been lost to us. He can teach you to see the universe in a new and sacred way, connecting you to nature like you cannot have imagined. Nature is both light and dark and he can teach you to see all parts of this cycle of life and find balance between them. 

Working with the elements is second nature to him. If you work with these energies then this spirit will bring you to new levels. You will learn not to just worship the earth and other elements but to be a part of them. This allows you some sway over the elements like weather control. 

One more thing he is great at is connecting with animal (totem) spirits. He not only will bring many of them into your life but teach you how to work with these spirits and take on their attributes when you need them, to shapeshift so to speak. He works especially closely with canines. 

This druid is an excellent at reading omens, divination, predicting the future, and healing arts. Healing is his most powerful gift but he can do it all really.

I have called him grey because he is has both light and dark in him. This Druid is generally good natured and leans toward light. He only uses dark energy if it is necessary. 

In spirit form He is mature man with medium tone skin and long gray hair, beard and mustache He has blue eyes and wears a long white robe. As as is typical with a druid, he carries a large oak staff. 

His personality is spiritual but very open, outgoing, and talkative with a sense of humor.

 This spirit has agreed to help one human during his lifetime but upon this human's passing to the other side he will be free of his binding so he can continue to evolve.  He is committed to helping the right person through their entire long, happy life.


The second spirit is a Coir Djinn.

These djinn call themselves Coir Djinn. Coir is an Irish word meaning justice and it is pronounced like "cord" or "cort".

This is an extremely unique race of djinn which evolved separately from middle eastern Djinn. They are native to the Britain, Scotland, and Ireland with their own gifts and personalities.

Most djinn from the middle east have somewhat middle eastern beliefs because it’s the religion of the region. The religions from the middle east (Christianity, Islam, etc.) have the concept of good vs evil, god vs satan, etc. You find these beliefs ingrained in our modern society because of these religions. However, before the Celts, Britains, Norse, embraced these religious views, nature based pagan religions were the norm for most of history. These djinn are old ways believers and have a very pagan based belief system. While they recognize a higher power at work in nature they don’t see the good vs evil mythos. There are creative and destructive forces of nature that they recognize but not the god and satan characters. Their beliefs go really well with any pagan beliefs including modern wicca, druidism, etc. so they resonate at a different energy level than other djinn. I find them to have a very nice and earthy energy and would consider them grey natured in general.  Just because they don’t believe in a major religious view does not mean they don’t have morals. They have even more morals than most and don’t cause harm without cause.

These djinn not only have a more unique religious perspective but are different in how they grant wishes as well. Most djinn are very formal. You have to say specifically “I wish…” for them to understand you are making a wish to them. These djinn are intuitive and once they bond with a keeper can grant many wishes without you wishing for them and they know you are making a wish when you simply ask them to help.  No formality is necessary with them.

Finally these djinn can grant just about any wish quite well but excel in wishes of justice.  Justice is different from revenge. Justice simply seeks to balance energy in a situation to speed karma if you will. Revenge is about anger and wanting to harm someone. So the Coir Djinn are great at karmic retribution type justice without creating any negative karma by seeking revenge. The result for enemies is usually the same either way but justice does not cause more problems for the person who seeks it as revenge does.

I’ve found them to be just as good at other wishes as well such as healing, herbal studies, wealth, positive energy, etc. Their energy is very balanced and they tend to make wishes happen in positive ways.

The last unique thing about them is their appearance. They are not as grotesque in their natural form as other djinn. While they can make themselves look human as any djinn can these are naturally more human looking except they have sage green skin with black celtic type tattoos all over them. They are interesting.

As with other djinn of his type, if you make a wish that would be harmful to you then they will gently help you see that wish as being destructive and will help you see the consequences of it.  These djinn are more protective of their keepers and helpful to make sure wishes are for the highest good. It’s good just to ask them if that wish would be good before you actually make the wish and see if you get any insight about before you wish as they will help you if they can. This ability to help their keepers in this way is very unique.

This Coir Djinn is a male. He is gifted at wishes of Justice/karmic retribution as well as being gifted in most other types of wishes. His personality is tenacious and energetic.

He is grey natured.


Next we have a Celtic angel. This is a very unique are rare type of angel. Since I’ve made contact with them they have been amazing.

These angels are universal although they are most closely related to the Celts as those people were the first to learn about them. Some people call them Anamchara angels.

Celtic angels are amazingly caring beings. Unlike most other angels whose purpose is to protect these angels are guides and friends to their keepers. They help you stay on your highest best path so you actually evolve and possibly transcend spiritually. They help you see past illusions and notice things you may have missed in order for you to move past obstacles that may be holding your spirituality back.

These beings are very motivating, guiding, and supportive to anyone who wishes to move to a higher state of consciousness and they exude positive energy very intensely.

Their personalities are very patient, loving, and instructive.

This completely light and loving Celtic angel is a female.

She has an appearance that is very human like. I suspect that these angels are often mistaken for regular spirit guides. She’s average height and lean with fair skin, long golden brown hair, and blue eyes. This angel is wearing human clothes and although she has large white wings she’s able to retract them to look completely human in spirit form. I think Celtic angels make themselves look human to make themselves seem more accessible to their human keepers.


Next is a Celtic Vampire.

Celtic Vampires are unique beings with energy and magick all their own.

They are what they sound like, vampires that are of Celtic Origin so they are indigenous to northern Europe.

Most Vampires feed on human energy or blood. These vampires feed on magickal energy. You don’t have to actually practice magick to have them in your life either. They are highly advanced magickal beings and can provide their own food source.

As vampires they have the regular vampire abilities like seduction, manipulation, glamouring, etc. However, Celtic Vampires are more focused on the occult. They like to do spells, conjure spirits, and do various types of divination work. If it involves the mysterious unseen forces they love it.

With a Celtic Vamp in your life you will likely find yourself more drawn to the occult in all forms and also find your abilities increasing in any magickal work you try. Wishes can manifest faster with them in your life as well regardless of what spirit you make the wish to.

There’s also a kind of subtle yet mysterious vibe they have. I would say creepy which it could be thought of as that but it’s more a kinetic energy that is palpable.

This male vampire is 686 years old and he comes from Ireland.

He has fair skin, shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes with an athletic physique.

This vampire is bold, cocky, fun loving, and charming.

His nature is grey.


The fifth spirit is a Bidden of Jidd Elf.

This is an extremely rare and unique race of elves. They are simply fascinating.

There are very few of these elves left in existence, less than 600 of them in total. Until now they have been more secretive. They’ve chosen this time to come forward to help humans because of all the changes going on in our world today. They want to help us evolve to a higher spiritual state.

From what I’m being told, these beings originated from inner earth and came to Ireland many years ago. There are more of them still in their homeland but those do not interact with humans at all. Some people might call these “celtic” elves but Bidden of Jidd is their true name.

They are very happy and positive vibration group of beings. Any type of positive energy work they can do including clearings, protection, dissolving negative energy, and repelling evil entities. Their specialty, however, is healing. They are great healers of the physical and spiritual bodies as well as helping to balance the mind and emotions.  They can repair auras and chakra damage as well.

Music and dance come naturally to them and part of their healing talents. Most types of instruments they can pick up and play with precision instantly but I’ve seen them with lyres the most. For this reason they are also very helpful for those in the music professions.

Having one of these elves in your life can help bring new clarity, peace, happiness, vitality, and many other blessings.

The Bidden of Jidd look human like but small. They are only about a foot tall but lean and with pointed ears. Most carry bows and arrows as well.

This Elf is a male who is over 300 years old. He has short brown hair, medium tone skin, green eyes, and brown clothing.

His personality is jolly, lively, and a little clutsy.

This elf's nature is light and loving.


Sixth we have a youthful dreams fairy.

 Youthful dreams fairies are a fun type of fairy that come from the highlands of Scotland. 

Their name might make you think they have something to do with sleep but in actuality these fae are committed to making your waking fantasies and dreams come true.

 They can help with any type of unfulfilled wish that you have but are especially gifted at fulfilling the wishes associated with youth such as beauty, love, energy, vitality, and wealth.

 These amazing beings can quickly renew your body, soul, and spirit. They can increase physical vitality and virtually turn back the hands of time with your physical appearance. The signs of aging can slow or reverse, increased energy can come to you, new zest and passion for life will emerge once more, your physical beauty will be enhanced, and you will over all feel better than before.

 If that’s not enough then they can bring love and romance back into your life bringing new lovers or passion to an already existing love affair.

 If you are in need of new hope for the future and new ideas for success then they are more than happy to give you new ideas, motivation, and strength to reach your goals. 

Think of these beings as giving you back your youth in every way.

 This youthful dreams fairy is a lovely female entity. She is 3 feet tall and has fair skin. Her hair is brilliant red. Her eyes are bright green. She has two small dark green wings. 

She carries a small sack of fairy dust with her that she uses every time you make a wish or request to her. This dust actually makes your dreams manifest quickly.

 Her personality is lively, playful, energetic, and enthusiastic as with most youthful dreams fairies, very interactive.

Her nature is completely light.


Leprechauns are earth spirits, some say related to fairies. They are small beings, standing only about 1 foot tall. Most of them do greatly resemble the older bearded stout little man of folklore, though many do not wear the solid green that they are usually depicted in. They like to wear any earth toned colors and many like red hats, which are accented by the shiny shoes with buckles on them that they all wear and are very proud of. They are shoemakers by trade and so it is like a status symbol to them.

 Offerings of beer, ale, or guinness are a favored for these little guys. But any form of alcoholic beverage will do in a pinch. They take their drinking very seriously. It is hilarious. So if you are the keeper of one of these leprechauns, it is best to have a steady supply of beer or something for them. They will love you for it.

 Leprechauns are very talkative little creatures and love to tell tall tales of their own greatness so if you are quiet and listen you will probably get an earful. 

Now allow me to introduce you to this leprechaun. 

He is mature and experienced.

 This leprechaun is about a foot tall. He has fair skin with short blonde hair. His eyes are green. He wears green clothes with a black hat and black shoes. 

He has a friendly, talkative, and interactive personality. This leprechaun is playful by nature but does not play pranks. 

His nature is light and he is not harmful to his keeper. 

He has the ability to bring his keeper extra cash and great luck but also health, happiness, and all good things. The luck he brings is in all areas of your life, including gambling. He can increase your chances of winning in all games of chance.


Finally, we have the Goddess Brigid and the God Lugh.

Brigid is a loving mother sun Goddess in the Celtic tradition. She was not originally a Celtic Goddess as they adopted her from the people in what is now Turkey. Her origins meant little as the Celtic people soon came to love and revere her in worship that has lasted up through today. 

The Catholic Church tried to eliminate all pagan gods but when they could not stop people from worshiping Brigid they blessed her as a Saint in the catholic religion. This was a demotion to a mere saint in the eyes of the “church” but it in no way detracts from her power. She is still a Goddess no matter what they want to call her. 

Brigid is spelled different ways including Brid, Bride, and Brigit. Her name is traditionally pronounced (breet). 

This Goddess is one of the original triple Goddesses encompassing all aspects of femininity, maid, mother, and crone though she is usually in mother form and what an excellent Mother she is.

 All things loving and pure can be attributed to her and she is most compassionate and caring to her followers. She will not only help you but nurture and comfort you like any good mother would. This is why the Celtic people loved her. So, she is the archetype mother being. 

She is a greatly protective spirit who will not hesitate to defeat any threats for those who revere her. I have also found her to be most excellent at healing and health. 

There are other areas that she rules as well including; witchcraft, magick, childbirth, fertility, agriculture, blacksmithing, creativity, poetry, and inspiration. 

If you are in need of an all loving and protective mother who can bring positive energy and hope into your life then she is perfect.

 This vessel is a portal to directly to her. Immortals cannot be truly bound to any object because they are omnipresent and also deserve more respect. A portal gives you the same access to her as a binding would. You can call on her any time day or night and she will hear you.


The Celtic God Lugh is an ancient and powerful being. He is still much revered as being the epitome of a father God. 

He has all the positive aspects of masculinity that are associated with any sun God as he is a sun god himself. He’s loyal, strong, protective and sincere.

 This God is very active and never afraid to go into battle, which he does not lose. He actually enjoys a good tussle now and then and will go to great lengths to protect those who are loyal to him. He’s actually known as a celtic god of war but his battles are always for a good reason. Lugh carries a magick spear and sling with which he defeats his foes. 

He also is the God of all creative endeavors and commerce. Being a true “renaissance man” Lugh is not simply a fighter. He is very intelligent, well educated, and can as easily write a poem as he can make a weapon. Every area of the physical life is under his control and he can easily help you with any physical need you have. If you need inspiration then he can help you with that too.

 Lugh is fairly easy to get along with and interacts with humans well. So, he will be a great God to call upon for any and all of your needs. Show him love and respect and he will do the same for you. 

This vessel is a portal directly to Lugh. It’s not a true binding as omnipresent spirits cannot be bound but the effects are the same. He will hear you anytime that you need him.

 As with any spirit beings paranormal activity of any type is possible.

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Please read entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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