Posted on 27th Oct 2023
12/1/23 Drawing Winner - Free Direct Bound Royal spirit of any species. Congratulation IH! All customers for the week are given a queued number at the time of their orders. Then the winner is chosen via random number generator.
General Blessing in All Areas - This spell will be cast on December 1st - CAST 12/1/23 7:49 am CST.
This spell is designed to give you a dose of positive energy in all areas of your life. It can help sweep away negative energy , renew, and give wonderful blessings generally. This spell is meant to help everything in your life to go more smoothly.
Blessings, success, and the positive energy of spirit will begin flow into your life more with this spell.
It also increases good luck and brings more beneficial people and circumstances into your life.
11/24/23 Drawing winner - Free direct cast spirit or long reading. Congratulations VR! All customers for the week are given a queued number at the time of their orders. Then the winner is chosen via random number generator.
General Clearing Spell - This spell will be cast on November 24th - CAST 11/24/23 7:25 am CST
This spell is done to clear any type of negative, old, and stagnant energy around you. It also helps clear and reset your aura. It eliminates any current hexes and prevents new hexes and harmful energy coming to you. It also protects from your own negativity and harmful unbound spirits.
If you have incurred bad karma it can also help clear that as well. It even clears and protects from psychic attacks.
Basically, this spell clears any type of negative magick, entities, or energy.
It's perfect to cast after family gatherings which have people that are not so positive in the mix.
Drawing winner - Free regular level spirit of your choice with direct/remote binding 11/17/23 Congratulations HD! All customers for the week are given a queued number at the time of their orders. Then the winner is chosen via random number generator.
Courage and Confidence Spell - This spell will be cast on November 17th - CAST 11/17/23 7:35 am CST
This spell is meant to help you find your courage and confidence. It can help you reach down inside and find your true courage to face anything that comes at you without fear.
The spell can also help you to remain confident and at ease in any situation giving you more power and control over all of life’s circumstances. If confidence and courage have been an issue for you it can help you discover new parts of yourself and give you more willpower and strength as well.
As you feel more confident you will exude charm and charisma making others drawn to you. It will also help you to have more respect for yourself and also to not care what anyone else thinks.
Negativity and Curse Clearing Spell winner 11/10/23 Congratulations HF! All customers for the week are given a queued number at the time of their orders. Then the winner is chosen via random number generator.
Chakra Balancing and Karma Clearing Spell - This spell will be cast on November 10th - CAST 11/10/23 8:01 am CST
Chakras are points of energy that occur in certain areas all over the body. The main seven run in a line from the base of the genitals out the top of the head. These points are close to the spine. Each chakra is associated with a different color and set of emotions and physical organs. When they are flowing properly optimum health is achieved and the spirit is free to ascend to higher levels. When even one chakra is out of alignment or not flowing properly it can lead to physical and emotional ailments as well a spiritual blockages.
There are various meditation and energy movement methods to balance each chakra but it can be a long painful process that is slow to show any results. In the meantime you are forced to sometimes endlessly go through emotions and illnesses that can make life miserable.
This spell is meant to rapidly and easily align all of the chakras. If there are issues you must deal with relating to a specific chakra then this will help you to breeze through it with as little time and pain as possible. This will also help to blow through any blockages and you will achieve balance. This will advance you spiritually, increase psychic abilities, increase health and vitality, make you happier, and help you to become emotionally sound.
If you have been working on a specific chakra feel free to keep doing so and the results will come faster than ever.
There is also a spell to clear all negative karma and "karmic debt". Simply put it stops you from reaping what you have sown. This is done without harm to you in any way. You will not have to go through any payback or discomfort. The slate will be wiped clean and you get a do over so to speak so act wisely in the future.This does NOT mean that you will never have any consequences for you actions. If you create a situation you must deal with the result. What this spell does is keep a negative cosmic force from building up against you. It does not take away any bad results from poor decisions or evil that you bring into your life.
This second spell will also cleanse your aura.
$30 Drawing winner 11/3/23 - Congratulations LM! All customers for the week are given a queued number at the time of their orders. Then the winner is chosen via random number generator.
Enhance My Psychic Abilities Spell - This spell will be cast on November 3rd - CAST 11/3/23 8:53 am CST
This spell is designed to open and enhance and natural psychic abilities that you have. It will help sharpen your skills and you may even develop new skills as well. Just keep practicing and using your skills daily and the spell will help you get better results and more accurate information from your abilities.
Remember to focus on the psychic abilities that you have, not just ones that you want. We all have a unique set of psychic gifts and we don’t necessarily get specific ones at will. So, this spell enhances your own inherent abilities.
Doing divination often and daily meditation helps the spell work even better and faster.