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July Weekly Spell


SUCCESS AND EASY PATH AHEAD SPELL - This spell will be cast on 7/26/24 - CAST 7/26/24 8:25 am CST

This spell is meant to bring you success and to clear the path ahead for you. It helps you succeed at whatever you are trying to achieve and it removes obstacles in your path. It also helps to keep that path clear and make everything go more smoothly.

AURA/CHAKRA REPAIR SPELL - This spell will be cast on 7/19/24 - CAST 7/19/24 7:08 am CST

Sometimes a psychic attack or psychic vampire is so bad that it can damage your aura or chakras. If this has happened it makes aligning your energy very difficult and also leaves you vulnerable to other attacks from stray spirits, other psychic attacks, and spiritual leaches or vampires.

It’s always good to have your aura repaired spiritually so that you can then align your energy better and stave off future attacks with a stronger aura.

This spell is meant to repair any damage done and make the damaged areas stronger than before.

GENERAL HEALTH SPELL - This spell will be cast on 7/12/24 - CAST 7/12/24 7:56am CST

This is a spell for general health. It will help you stay strong and protected. The value of a healthy body cannot be overstated and this spell will help you to stay at your best. If by chance you do catch a cold or something then you should get over it much more quickly than normal. It will help keep you going and help you be able to stay active as much as possible.

Health has to be maintained with good habits as well so be sure to take good care of yourself.

We all will pass eventually and sometimes illness cannot be avoided but this spell should help you remain as healthy as possible.

SUPER LUCK AND MONEY SPELL - This spell will be cast on 7/5/24 - CAST 7/5/24 7:01am CST

This is a POWERFUL spell that is meant to bring great luck and money.

If you can't seem to get a break and things aren't going your way, this spell can bring you new opportunities and luck in all areas of your life. I'm not just talking about gambling, luck can take many forms and you will have plenty of it. Things will just fall into place and seem to always go your way.

This spell could also bring you many new ways to increase your cash flow. New opportunities, ingenious ideas, better jobs, winning things, and a million other ways money can come to you. Money will find you, make no mistake. The opportunities will be there, it will just be up to you to take advantage of them.

Life can be enjoyable and you do deserve to have these things. Just reach out and take it.

If you need to revitalize your life in these areas, this is the spell for you. It can break down the barriers that have been holding you back for too long and help you have the success you desire.

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