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Stone with KREES

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 Product Description

This item is a stone chosen at random for you.

With the purchase of this stone you get this Krees binding for free.

These are completely unique beings, well I call them beings but they are more like templates of beings. Krees, as my guides call them, are kind of a combination of energy and spirits. They are hard to explain but I will do my best.

They don’t have any personalities, natures, or pre-programmed abilities but are energy beings that can merge with a human like a symbiotic organism. This means that they merge with your aura and outer body to become a part of you, like an extra layer of your own skin if you will. This is something spiritual, not something that most people would physically feel. So it would not feel weird. Unlike some symbiotes that act as parasite feeding on their host. These beings actually share energy with their host and can become a benefit to them.

Since they are basically blank slates they can be programmed for any purpose you desire such as attracting money, exuding charm and magnetism, beauty, persuasion, healing abilities, protection, etc. They can also continue to be programmed in the future with meditation and the law of attraction or they can permanently be set to only have the original set of abilities. Once they are programmed for the intended purpose and have merged with you they will work on your behalf and also share the abilities with you. This will increase your own abilities and attract what you want to you in a much more powerful way. It will also help align your energy so the law of attraction works faster and any wishes made to your spirits work better.

It could also help you grow. For instance, if you program it with confidence then you may gradually become more confident. If you program it with magnetism then more people become drawn to you, etc.

I’m told by my guides that these beings are used by other spirits when they want to increase their own power but not all spirits know of them. They come from between realms and are unlike anything else.

These are not beings that you get to know or that you have to give offerings to. They serve one purpose and that is to do what they are programmed to do.

This may seem very similar to a servitor is some ways and it is except that servitors are created thought form beings that can actually become self-aware and change their purpose. Krees are not created by humans and seem to stay true to their programming. I like to think of them as computers without any operating system. It’s up to you to program them how you wish.

There really seems to be no danger as they only do what they are told to do.

When you purchase one of these you can let me know what you want it programmed for and if you want it to be continually programmable by you in meditation (I will send instructions) or if you want it just permanently set for your intended purpose.PLEASE RESTRICT YOUR PROGRAMMING TO ONE PURPOSE PER KREES. THANKS.

You can keep adding to the abilities of the Krees yourself over time or you can get several of them individually for separate purposes if you like.

I attach it to a stone of my choice then you simply carry the stone for 3 days and the Krees will then transfer itself onto your body and meld with you. Then it’s bound to you and not the stone and will begin to help bring the desired energy to you.

Shipping time may take longer than normal for programming purposes.

Please let me know if you have any questions and read the warranty below as well as the store policy page before purchasing.

 Warranty Information

Please read entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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