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 Product Description

This item is a 1.5 inch chunk of citrine.


With the purchase of this item you get a Goddess Brigid Portal for free.

Brigid is a loving mother sun Goddess in the Celtic tradition. She was not originally a Celtic Goddess as they adopted her from the people in what is now Turkey. Her origins meant little as the Celtic people soon came to love and revere her in worship that has lasted up through today.


The Catholic Church tried to eliminate all pagan gods but when they could not stop people from worshiping Brigid they blessed her as a Saint in the catholic religion. This was a demotion to a mere saint in the eyes of the church but it in no way detracts from her power. She is still a Goddess no matter what they want to call her.


Brigid is spelled different ways including Brid, Bride, and Brigit. Her name is traditionally pronounced (breet) but (bridge-id) is more common now.


This Goddess is one of the original triple Goddesses encompassing all aspects of femininity, maid, mother, and crone though she is usually in mother form and what an excellent Mother she is.


All things loving and pure can be attributed to her and she is most compassionate and caring to her followers. She will not only help you but nurture and comfort you like any good mother would. This is why the Celtic people loved her. So, she is the archetype mother being.


She is a greatly protective spirit who will not hesitate to defeat any threats for those who revere her. I have also found her to be most excellent at healing and health.


There are other areas that she rules as well including; witchcraft, magick, childbirth, fertility, agriculture, blacksmithing, creativity, poetry, and inspiration.


If you are in need of an all loving and protective mother who can bring positive energy and hope into your life then she is perfect.


This vessel is a portal to directly to her. Immortals cannot be truly bound to any object because they are omnipresent and also deserve more respect. A portal gives you the same access to her as a binding would. You can call on her any time day or night and she will hear you.

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 Warranty Information

Please read entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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