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 Product Description

This item is a 5/8 inch red tiger eye orb stone. All natural stones have minor imperfections and color/texture variations, this is normal. This is especially true of garnets.

Celtic Vampires are unique beings with energy and magick all their own.

They are what they sound like, vampires that are of Celtic Origin so they are indigenous to northern Europe.

Most Vampires feed on human energy or blood. These vampires feed on magickal energy. You don’t have to actually practice magick to have them in your life either. They are highly advanced magickal beings and can provide their own food source.

As vampires they have the regular vampire abilities like seduction, manipulation, glamouring, etc. However, Celtic Vampires are more focused on the occult. They like to do spells, conjure spirits, and do various types of divination work. If it involves the mysterious unseen forces they love it.

With a Celtic Vamp in your life you will likely find yourself more drawn to the occult in all forms and also find your abilities increasing in any magickal work you try. Wishes can manifest faster with them in your life as well regardless of what spirit you make the wish to.

There’s also a kind of subtle yet mysterious vibe they have. I would say creepy which it could be thought of as that but it’s more a kinetic energy that is palpable.

This male vampire is 901 years old and he comes from Ireland.

He has fair skin, long chestnut brown hair and blue eyes with a lean wiry physique.

This vampire is sensual, indulgent, hedonistic, uninhibited, and over confident.

His nature is grey.

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 Warranty Information

Please read entire store policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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