This item is a brown stone. All natural stones have minor imperfectons and color/texture variations, this is normal.
With the purchase of this item you get this Brownie binding for free.
Brownie is pronounced (brooney).
Brownies are small earth beings that usually can be found in our near a forest. Typically they are about 3 foot tall or less. They have brown leathery skin, brown hair and wear brown clothing which I'm sure is where they got their name. They are closely related to fairies and elves and have generally good dispositions and wonderful abilities.
Once you invite a brownie into your home they are very handy to have around. You see brownies are more than willing to help you tidy up your home and complete the chores that you didn't have time to do. If you develop a good relationship with them you will notice that things start to seem cleaner and everything stays in its place much easier. Your whole house can stay in tip top shape with much less effort than before. For it is a brownie's sole purpose to help their humans with any unfinished task. They mostly perform these duties at night while you sleep. If you can keep one happy they have no equal to help you with your housework.
This does not necessarily mean that you wake up to a spotless house but they can help things stay in order more easily and help you get projects done faster.
Brownies have also been known to help people find lost objects and keep vermin away from their keeper’s homes.
They are wise and helpful little spirits that will help to guide you and give you wisdom as well, you need only listen to the thoughts they send to you.
These beings can also bring luck, happiness, and even grant a wish now and then.
Brownies aren't hard to care for but there are two definite rules to having them in your home. They require certain offerings and you can never thank them. Either of these things, if not done correctly, can greatly offend them. The type of binding that I do with brownies allows them to leave if they so choose. I would not want an unwilling brownie around anyone's home for they can become quite a nuisance if you force them to be there. If you are good to them and treat them well then the positive benefits are worth it.
The offering they require is a small amount of milk, cream, or cake left out for them often (every few days or so).
Never say thank you to a Brownie. It offends them. When you leave offerings for them just leave it sitting out on the table before you go to sleep, like you just forgot to put these things away. Don't tell your brownie it is for them. Also don't thank them in anyway or leave them gifts. You will never see them again if you do. They are very private beings that don't like to get attention.
When this being starts to adjust to your home you may temporarily find things out of place or even items falling on the floor. This is just your brownie trying to get a feel for where everything goes in your home. Unexplained noises and other Phenomena can occur.
This Brownie is a female. She has some experience working with humans.
Her skin is brown and leathery as is characteristic of Brownies. Her hair is long and brown. She has brown eyes and her clothes are also an earthy brown color. This brownie is about 3 feet tall and stout.
At first she's a little cautious but he could warm up to the right keeper.
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Please read entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.
This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!
This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.