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Stone with BEAR TOTEM

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 Product Description


This item is a small jasper stone. All natural stones have minor imperfections and color/texture variations, this is normal.

With the purchase of this item you get this bear totem for free.

Totems are actually spirit animals that surround us to protect us and lend us their traits or "energies". This allows us to get through life's challenges much more easily.

These are not to be confused with "familiar" animals. Animal familiars are physical animals that appear in the lives of witches and other humans to assist them in magick. Totems are animal spirits that can come to anyone to help them on their journey. Sometimes the word familiar is used incorrectly so I just wanted to clarify for those who are confused. If the spirit is an animal spirit it is technically a totem.

We can meld with their energy so some people associate totems with shapeshifting. This is somewhat true. For example you may not actually become the animal but can temporarily take on their characteristics when needed to help you.

These animal spirits are never harmful to their humans. They are loyal and protective.

There are many bear species around the globe. They are largely solitary animals that are fierce and protective of their territories. While their size suggests they are cumbersome and awkward, when threatened they can move at great speeds and eliminate any obstacle that stands in their path. Because of their strength and power they are virtually king of all they survey.

They are very protective of those in their family. As a bear totem keeper you will be family to this bear and it will protect you mightily.

Bears think of their needs first and plan for the future. They use this ability to prepare for hibernation and winter survival.

A bear totem can teach you to take care of your own needs. This is something that many of us "martyrs" have yet to learn. Your needs are just as important as anyone else's.

They can also teach you to plan ahead, especially important in our instant gratification society.

The most powerful thing bears can do for you is to protect you and break down all obstacles in your path. This can apply to every area in your life. If you have felt blocked at every turn and unable to make progress then a bear can help.

Invite this bear into your life and it will be a great new experience.

This bear is a large female North American Black Bear. Her coat is actually more cinnamon brown than black and she has brown eyes.

She's affectionate, loyal, and protective. She will watch over you like a mama bear.

She can manifest in different ways. You may feel her fur touch your skin or feel her hot breath. Any type of paranormal activity is possible and on rare occasions even apparitions may be seen. Do not approach or interact with any physical bear even if you think it's this totem.

The name and information will be sent to the buyer via email. Please let me know if you have any questions and read the warranty below as well as the store policy page before purchasing.


 Warranty Information

Please read entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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