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 Product Description


This item is a size 9 stainless steel band ring. It has a textured design.


With the purchase of this item you get this package of spirit entities and spells for free.

This vessel is a package of 5 spirit entities and two spells to help you cleanse, heal, and restore yourself spiritually and emotionally.


With this vessel you may find more peace and tranquility in your life than ever before.




The first entity that is bound to this vessel is a male Zimada.


The Zimada are spirits that don’t just reside in one plane of existence. They can go back and forth between all space and time. Obviously this gives them very powerful abilities of foresight and knowledge. These alone are amazing gifts. However, their main abilities are even more priceless.


Zimada are able to go back in time and retrieve lost pieces of your soul, bringing them to you to merge in the present and make a more whole person. For those of you not familiar with the concept of soul retrieval let me explain. When a traumatic event happens to you it can literally break off and trap a piece of your soul in the time when the trauma happened. It’s a fragment that gets left behind. This is often why people cannot “get over” their past in this life or even from their past lives. The piece that is trapped there keeps reliving it over and over and this keeps you from fully moving forward. When the piece is retrieved and reintegrated into the present it helps you heal emotionally and spiritually to be able to move past the trauma and face the future with peace and harmony.


Soul retrieval is usually done by a wise and experienced shaman or witch. This spirit can be just as effective. It can take time for the Zimada to find and retrieve all the pieces but this is common of the process. Once all the pieces of your soul have been returned to you, this spirit can help prevent future soul fragmentation.


This process alone helps you heal on all levels spirit, soul, and body. A Zimada helps the healing by guiding you through the emotional healing process. What could be better than that?


You might be wondering how this spirit compares to a soul cleanser. A soul cleanser is fabulous at clearing built up negativity and emotions but they don’t actually retrieve the soul fragments like a Zimada.


These spirits appear as humans but they take the shape of a black panther to travel between realms and can stay in panther form whenever they like. These are not werepanther spirits. Although their appearance is similar, their abilities are completely different.


This male Zimada entity is light natured and never harmful. He will bring only peace, comfort, and stability into your life.


He has the appearance of a mature man. His hair is long and dark, his skin is medium tone, and he has brown eyes. This entity looks much like a Native American. In panther form his fur is black and he has silver eyes.


His personality is encouraging, caring, and supportive.



The second entity bound to this vessel is a male soul cleanser.


These spirits often go by the more common name of sin eaters. I prefer to call them soul cleansers because I don't believe the idea of "sin" is healthy for humans. That word denotes guilt and condemnation which does not lead to a happy and fulfilling life. The concept of sin itself produces negativity which is what we are trying to avoid so these spirits that I have are called soul cleansers.

Soul Cleansers are spirits that eat all negativity, guilt, and other unhealthy emotions. They literally devour the negative energy right from your aura leaving you lighter, more energetic, and feeling refreshed.

In addition, since they cleanse negativity they cleanse and reset karma. Karma is simply a build-up of negative energy and a soul cleanser can devour it with ease. Leaving your slate clean and your emotions balanced.


They can also cleanse anxiety and depression and help to prevent recurrences. Being humans we can create our own negative emotions so while a spirit like this can cleanse the negativity it will probably require a shift in your own thoughts and feelings to permanently eliminate the problem. In the meantime this spirit can help you not to have the side effects of these emotions.


As you can see there are only positives that can come from having one.


There are different ways to use these spirits. Some people leave them in a specific place and then run the vessel over their body periodically to cleanse themselves. You can also wear or carry the vessel on a regular basis to help prevent any more negativity from building up. I actually recommend this.


Keep in mind that a soul cleanser is not a companion spirit and you probably won’t bond with them like other spirits. They even appear differently. Their form is more of an ethereal mist than an actual form.


When first wearing a soul cleanser vessel it can cause temporary energy drain and shifts. These effects usually last for only a couple of days, this is normal.




Next, we have a female moon whisper.


These were formally called moon wisps but I changed the name to avoid confusion with a similar type of being which is dark arts.

Moon whispers are extremely helpful and beneficial spirits for anyone who has suffered trauma and basically that is everyone. This trauma can be from mental or physical abuse, war, fear, childhood programming, past lives, insecurities, and anything else that has made you fearful, hurt, or emotionally crippled.


A moon whisper breaks down and dissolves blockages so that you can be free mentally and emotionally. This will allow you to make your life the way you want it now and move on from your past pain. You will be able to leave the trauma in the past where it belongs and move forward with a fresh start.


This is particularly helpful for those with post-traumatic stress disorder.


These beings are water elementals that are associated with the moon. This gives them the perfect energy to wash away pain and discomfort, bringing renewal and hope.


These beings are or “grey” natured.


A moon whisper can actually take different forms because they are not in solid form. Often they look like humans that undulate and seem to flow on their own. If they are seen they are generally grey, blue, or purple with a glowing inner light. They remind me of a photo negative.


This moon whisper often appears to have long white hair, black skin, and white eyes.  She glows with an inner light. 


Her personality is whimsical, carefree and dreamy.




Fourth we have a lovely female undine entity for you.


Undines are elemental water spirits. They can be found from streams to oceans and anywhere else water is abundant.

Undines typically appear in female form. They take the shape of a beautiful human female and can be very small to very large in size. Think of them as water nymphs.

They flow and roll with every wave and undulation of the water. They don't just live in water they are a part of the water.

Some mythology states that they are born without a soul and only gain one if they marry a human male but if his love is untrue they must return to the sea. This mythology just isn't true and does not give undines the credit they deserve.

The water element itself is associated with emotions and intuition. Undine spirits absolutely embody these traits. They are the most empathic and compassionate of virtually any spirit. Every ache, pain, or emotional disturbance they will feel. They will know what you are going through before you even tell them and will be there to help you heal emotionally and physically. They have all of the loving nurturing traits of a good mother and will always try to keep you from harm's way.

One part of mythology is true. They love to interact with humans, especially if you are laughing, dancing, or otherwise having a good time. They will cherish the opportunity to join in with you.

By having an undine in your life you will learn to open up and listen to your intuition. Following your "gut feelings" will bring many wonderful opportunities for you. You will probably also find that you will become more empathic yourself, knowing what others are feeling and thinking. This could be good in the right circumstances but other times may be a little bit too much to deal with. If you are in a large group of people it can be somewhat overwhelming. You can ask your new undine friend to help shield you from this when it is undesired and she will be happy to do that for you.

All manner of psychic abilities will begin to open up. You may know things inexplicably; have dreams, visions, telepathy, and psychometry. A whole new world will open up before you. It may take some time to open you up to these things as most humans have "blocks" but in time you will be amazed.

You may also find that in time you will have an affinity for the water element. If you practice magick this is especially useful because you could call for rain easily or help flooding waters to recede. When you are physically in the water you will feel much more at home and at ease with an undine by your side. There are many possibilities, these are just a few.

One thing is for certain, she can only enrich your life.

This undine is in the form of a beautiful woman and still looks fairly young despite being mature. She’s 433 years old.


She is the height of an average human female and very lean. Her skin is pale and her long hair is aqua colored. She has aqua eyes and she wears a white gown. Even when she is not in the water she has an aura of waves around her that makes her gown and hair constantly move with a gentle flow. Most undines have unique appearances.

This undine is caring, patient, loving, and compassionate. Besides being a powerful spirit she will be a great companion. She will be there with you, feeling all that you feel and is a terrific shoulder to lean on. 


Finally we have a portal to a wonderful female Cherubim angel.

She is of the phyllum called cherubim and her gift is healing through heavenly song. I said portal because it is impossible to bind an omnipresent spirit so you have to make a portal to them instead. The result for you is the same as with a bound spirit.

Cherubims are the choir of the heavens. They sing hypnotic, melodious tunes that can heal you physically and emotionally, just causing all pain to dissolve. These angels are described in the Bible, singing at the birth of Christ. I have found them especially wonderful for emotional healing.

This cherubim has long black hair, brown skin, and brown eyes. Her wings are silky and white with rose colored tips and she is about the size of an average human female.

Her personality is a caring, loving, compassionate, and comforting.

This angel has chosen to come and help you with protection, healing and companionship. She will use her abilities to help you in every way possible. If you are truly fortunate you may physically hear her sing for you which I'm sure you will never forget.

She has the ability to call upon many other angels to aid you in times of danger. If you need physical protection or anything else then she is able to call other astrals to help you with whatever you need. 



In addition to these fabulous beings, I’ve also included two spells. The first spell is a Happiness spell – This spell brings Happiness and joy to whoever is the bearer of this vessel. There are no invocations, no bonding period, and no special instructions. Just wear or carry this item and the spell will begin to work on its own.

This spell is designed for those who have a problem with depression and anxiety. Maybe you just cannot shake the dark cloud hanging over you and it has been almost impossible to see the joys of life. If this is true then this spell is made for you.

I have empowered this item to cleanse it's bearer of negative energy, breaking up the darkness and gloom around you and bringing positive energy into your life. It also relieves depression and brings calm and relaxation to help prevent anxiety.

Once the positive energy starts flowing again you will again be able to feel pleasure and enthusiasm for life. Joy, happiness, peace and tranquility can return and you will be able to start life again.

In addition, if anyone has been sending negativity toward you it will deflect from you and go back to them.


The second spell(s) are charka balancing and karma cleansing spell - Chakras are points of energy that occur in certain areas all over the body. The main seven run in a line from the base of the genitals out the top of the head. These points are close to the spine. Each chakra is associated with a different color and set of emotions and physical organs. When they are flowing properly optimum health is achieved and the spirit is free to ascend to higher levels. When even one chakra is out of alignment or not flowing properly it can lead to physical and emotional ailments as well a spiritual blockages.

There are various meditation and energy movement methods to balance each chakra but it can be a long painful process that is slow to show any results. In the meantime you are forced to sometimes endlessly go through emotions and illnesses that can make life miserable.

This item is spelled to rapidly and easily align all of the chakras. If there are issues you must deal with relating to a specific chakra then this will help you to breeze through it with as little time and pain as possible. This will also help to blow through any blockages and you will achieve balance. This will advance you spiritually, increase psychic abilities, increase health and vitality, make you happier, and help you to become emotionally sound.

If you have been working on a specific chakra feel free to keep doing so and the results will come faster than ever.

There is also a spell placed upon this item to clear all negative karma and "karmic debt". Simply put it stops you from reaping what you have sown. This is done without harm to you in any way. You will not have to go through any payback or discomfort. The slate will be wiped clean and you get a do over so to speak so act wisely in the future. As long as you wear or carry this item you will not incur new karmic debt. This does NOT mean that you will never have any consequences for you actions. If you create a situation you must deal with the result. What this spell does is keep a negative cosmic force from building up against you. It does not take away any bad results from poor decisions or evil that you bring into your life.

This second spell will also cleanse your aura.


There you have it, a magnificent combination of entities and spells to help your life change for the better. 

This item should be used in conjunction with any medical or mental therapies necessary.

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Please read entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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