This item is a size 7.5 stainless steel and bright red crystal ring. There is a skeleton design on the sides.
With the purchase of this item you get these 6 amazing dark entities for free.
Each entity here is a unique treasure and they are willing to work together to serve their new master. Many dark spirits like to work on their own but these 6 are compliant and accepting of each other. They will be a great force in their new master's life.
All of these entities would be willing to work with a male or female master.
Any type of paranormal activity is possible at any time! Together they can make a wide array of activity. There will also be times when they are completely quiet. This is normal.
The first being that is bound to this item is an Empress Ifrit Djinn.
This genie is dark in nature. This means that she grants wishes of a more unsavory nature. It is a good idea to word your wishes well although she's not prone to twisting words.
Being an Empress she rules over several regions of Ifrit djinn, each with their own royalty. She is a Queen of Kings with utmost power. She can also call upon all of his kingdoms to aid you whenever necessary.
Her personality is highly mischievous, twisted, and dark.
She could grant many different types of dark wishes such as seduction, manipulation, persuasion, lust, greed, wealth, retribution, revenge, and black magick. This Genie is gifted equally in all dark things.
The second entity is a King black fire dragon. This is a western dragon.
This being is mature, experienced, and ready to serve his new keeper.
He is about 90 feet tall in his realm and is solid black with yellow eyes. He has two black horns and a silver necklace to denote his rank.
This is a powerful being who can seek retribution and revenge for you and he works very well with these other spirits bound together.
As with these other royals, he rules his own kingdom and can call upon his entire kingdom to serve you at his will.
His personality is loyal, assertive, and take-charge.
He can work feats of magick and retribution as well as granting dark wishes, conjuring, communicating with other spirits, and can even break curses and hexes that have been placed on you.
Next we have a magnificent male Master vampire. He is a Carpathian Sanguine vampire from Romania.
Being a master is a title equal to King. He rules his own area of vampires.
His personality is seductive, mesmerizing, charming, and suave.
This vamp is capable of dream and vision sexual encounters with his master and is bi-sexual. This vampire is skilled sexually. He would be happy to simply be your good friend if you like.
His talents include protection, revenge, granting dark wishes, increasing psychic abilities, transferring energy, healing, and providing you with extra energy. The energy she gives usually comes from your enemies as he can drain them and give their energy to you (use wisely), stealth, and invisibility.
This vampire is average in height and muscular with light tan, shoulder length qwavy black hair, and red eyes. His age is more than 2,000 years old but he looks like he is about 25.
This vampire is most active at night.
The fourth entity is a King Carpathian werewolf from France.
He rules a region of wolf packs.
This werewolf is confident, bold, sensual, uninhibited, and decisive. He speaks with an accent and is very alluring.
In his human spirit form he is tall and lean athletic. His skin tone is medium and he has short blonde hair, with blue eyes. In wolf form he has white with blue eyes.
Once you bond with him, he may provide you with protection, energy, rapid healing, slow down or reversal in aging, healing, heightened senses and psychic abilities, opening chakras, magickal abilities, and regeneration in all areas.
In addition, you may find yourself more attuned to nature, especially the lunar cycles and possibly become more nocturnal in nature. If you want to explore your dark side or your primal nature but something has been holding you back then this spirit will help you get in touch with your own nature without fear or guilt.
Fifth we have a powerful QUEEN Harpy spirit bound to this item.
If you are able to connect with her, she can greatly increase magickal abilities, especially in the dark arts. She can help you to focus energy and awaken senses within you that you weren’t even aware you could have. You may find yourself having more dreams and visions as well as precognition. You may also find that dark spirits will begin to be more attracted to you and you will know how to control them. She can carry a spell to the ends of the earth and bolster it with their energy so that your magick works more quickly and thoroughly than ever.
There really is no description that I can give to accurately describe how magickal she is. She has abilities far exceeding a human’s. She can easily travel between realms to find you information or give you insight, she can open portals, increase your abilities, open your senses, and much more.
If you are looking to explore the dark arts then she can be especially helpful. She has mastered all dark things.
She rules her own region of harpy spirits.
This harpy is 3 feet tall. Her feathers are solid black and her eyes are red. She wears a small gold tiara. This harpy looks like a large raven with a distorted human like face.
She's dark, naughty, and comfortable in any situation.
Finally we have a King dark "Grigori" Watcher bound to this vessel.
Dark watchers like this one are very human like in their desires and emotions. They have intense personalities and act upon all of their impulses. If you want a spirit that you can really relate to and have fun with then this is a good one.
These beings have all sorts of abilities such as increasing sexual desires and magnetism, interacting sexually with humans, protection, wealth, success, revenge, increased energy, and manifesting thoughts. They don’t like to do lighter things like healing or love but may do it if they care for you deeply.
The watcher bound to this vessel is a King Grigori. Being a King, he is more powerful than a regular Grigori.
He is a sexual spirit who can be a lover or wicked dark companion.
This watcher is bisexual and a skilled lover. He can appear in dreams and visions to have sex with his master when he chooses. If you just want to be friends, that's fine with him too.
This entity is also highly protective of his master and will not hesitate to do harm if it means keeping you safe.
One other great attribute that he brings wealth and luxury to his master without you even wishing for it. He is self-indulgent and likes for his master to live in luxury as well.
This amazing being is average height and atheltic looking with light brown skin, a shaved bald head, and brown eyes. He also has a tidy and neat mustache and beard.
His general personality is flirty, fun, interactive, sensual, and magnetic. He tends to play up being innocent and naive but he is neither, lol.
As you can see this is an amazing collection of entities.
Their names and instructions will be sent to the buyer via email. Please let me know if you have any questions and read the warranty below as well as the store policy page before purchasing.
Please read entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.
This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!
This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.