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Ring with SHAMAN and Advancement Spells

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 Product Description


This item is a chunky size 7 light colored stone and silver plated brass ring.

With the purchase of this item you get this shaman spirit binding and spells for free.


I've put this package together as a combination to help one advance in shamanic work/spiritual growth.


The first magick on this item is a spirit binding. Shaman spirits are human spirits. These spirits have learned many lessons and can teach you many things. This spirit is a religious leader and healer. He has much to share with you.


Being a North American spirit, he is very skilled in working with animal totems and shape shifting. There are many secrets involved in this type of shamanic practice that he can share with you. He works especially closely with bison totems. As his keeper you will feel a deeper connection with animals in general and may develop an affinity for Bison specifically.


He is also very adept at healing both physically and spiritually.


This spirit is wise with much to teach. In addition he can aid you with meditation and opening up to a greater psychic awareness. Many people who bond with shamans experience increased prophetic dreams and visions.


Shaman spirits are not just on the earth, they are a part of it. Working with all of the elemental energies will become much easier with him around. You may learn how to become a part of nature itself. This is something humans have long forgotten.  Attuning yourself with the energy and flow of nature can give you secret knowledge and ancient power.


Probably the best thing a shamanic spirit can do for you is teach you about yourself and how you fit into the larger world around you. You will become not only more aware of the environment but who you are and what you are doing on this planet. Your path will be clearer and you will know what path to take next.


This shaman is very adept in all forms of mysticism including; prophesy, omens, healing, energy transference, spells, shape shifting and necromancy. Omens and healing are his specialties.


He is also capable in spiritual defense. Breaking and blocking curses, the evil eye, and black magick are easy for him. He can quickly eliminate any negativity sent toward you even by magickal practitioners.


He lived about 500 years ago. He appears as a mature man with long salt and pepper braided hair, deep brown eyes, and weathered tan skin. He wears buckskin clothes and beaded jewelry. His stature is average height and stout


He has not reincarnated since being a Shaman. He has agreed to be with one person throughout their lifetime and then he will be free to go and evolve on his journey.


He has a wise, guiding, talkative, congenial, and gentle personality.




The next piece of magick done on this vessel is a contacting ancestors and spirit guides spell. Shamans work very closely with their ancestors and guides which is one of the things that give them the abiities that they have. 


This enchanted vessel acts to spiritually connect with and contact your ancestors and spirit guides. Why would you want to do this? Direct communication with your earthly ancestors can help you in many ways. It can help you to know who you are and find out more about where you came from and what you are made of. Your ancestors can help you to overcome adversity and problems and even add their combined forces together to protect you. They have much wisdom to share and would love to help you along your path. You do not have to know who your ancestors are as the spell will summon them to you regardless.


Your spirit guides are human spirit that have chosen to stay with you in this life to guide you along your path and protect you in any way possible. By connecting with your guides, you will open the door for you to listen to your intuition and the subtle guidance that they give you. Thus, keeping you free from hardships and meeting your life's goals. Spirits Guides can be friend and companions as well as guides. Remember, they already chose to be with you.


The ancestors and guides also help you to connect with your own higher self so you can progress spiritually. If you are seeking a higher path of just want to be more spiritually complete then there is nothing like contacting these spirits. 


This spell will help you to contact both your ancestors and your guides. you may encounter them in dreams, visions, or meditations. Maybe you will simply hear telepathically or feel their presence. Connecting with these beings can only enrich your life, guide you, help protect you, and open your sense to the unknown. 




Finally, I have placed a mastering zen spell on this item to help you enter and maintain meditative and vision states more easily. 


Zen is considered an art by some or even and unattainable spiritual evolution. Zen is actually more like a state of being. It is a state that anyone could achieve through meditation, prayer, or other means. When in a zen state your mind leave this world behind and you are completely relaxed. Your focus is not on your day to day activties and your simply ARE. In this state nothing and everything exists. Your world can be shaped and molded by you through your thoughts and intentions. Achieving a zen state cannot only change your life spiritually and physically but can change the entire world, a little at a time.

Most of us achieve a zen state through daily disciplined meditation but some people have a very difficult time meditating for even just a few minutes. It is like your brain just won't shut off and you cannot sit still. There are many physical and psychological reasons why this can happen. I have created this spell to help anyone enter a zen state more easily than before.

When experiencing this zone of relaxation spiritual growth can happen, stress can disappear, and the unseen can become reality. Communicating with your spirits may become easier than you ever thought possible and you may be able to create a better reality for yourself simply by visualizing what you want to happen. There are a million other things like healing and astral projection that can also occur in this state.

This spell will help to settle your mind and body. It will also help you to face whatever you are running from to allow yourself to be at peace. I still recommend daily meditation but for those who have not been able to meditate, this spell makes it easier to relax day by day. Meditation and focus will start to come naturally. It will be simpler for you to shut your mind off and just BE. Even with this spell it will take some effort on your part to achieve ZEN but mastering it will come much more quickly than it would have on its own. You may also find that you rest better, have more lucid dreams, and your psychic abilities may open up.

This powerful piece is priceless.

The name and information will be sent to the buyer of the item via email. Please let me know if you have any questions and read the warranty below as well as the store policy page before purchasing.

 Warranty Information

Please read entire store policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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