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 Product Description


This item is a size 9 stainless steel band ring with abstract circular designs.

With the purchase of this item you get this God Lugh Portal for free.

The Celtic God Lugh is an ancient and powerful being. He is still much revered as being the epitome of a father God. 

He has all of the positive aspects of masculinity that are associated with any sun God as he is a sun God himself. He's loyal, strong, protective, and sincere.

This God is very active and never afraid to go into battle, which he does not lose. He actually enjoys a good tussle now and then and will go to great lengths to protect those who are loyal to him. He’s actually known as a Celtic god of war but his battles are always for a good reason. Lugh carries a magick spear and sling with which he defeats his foes. 

He also is the God of all creative endeavors and commerce. Being a true “renaissance man” Lugh is not simply a fighter. He is very intelligent, well educated, and can as easily write a poem as he can make a weapon. Every area of the physical life is under his control and he can easily help you with any physical need you have. If you need inspiration then he can help you with that too. 

Lugh is fairly easy to get along with and interacts with humans well. So, he will be a great God to call upon for any and all of your needs. Show him love and respect and he will do the same for you.

 This vessel is a portal directly to Lugh. It’s not a true binding as omnipresent spirits cannot be bound but the effects are the same. He will hear you anytime that you need him.

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 Warranty Information

Please read Entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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