This item is a large rose quartz stone.
With the purchase of this item you get this male watcher binding for free.
Watcher Spirits have been in existence for many thousands of years. They watch and wait for the opportunity to guide and direct humanity in any way that they can. In exchange we allow them to share our lives and get a glimpse of what it is like to be human. The watchers relish this opportunity. Imagine being all powerful and living for thousands and thousands of years, boring. They love how we experience life fully because we only have a short time on earth.
These spirits are said to be the most powerful beings in existence, only the gods have authority over them. This is a huge benefit to humans. They are able to command any other beings to do their will. If you bond with a Watcher you may be able to call on unlimited resources to aid you. At any moment you could have thousands upon thousands of genies, angels, or whatever you need to help protect you, guide you, and grant your heart's desire. They can also act as overlords to your other spirits to keep them all in line.
Watchers are extremely efficient at granting wishes. They also impart great truth and wisdom and act as teachers so when you learn to accept their guidance your wishes may change. This is a good thing. Sometimes what we think we want may not be what is best for us and this spirit will help you to see past the illusions of the physical world. When you are clear on what you do want there is no being that can grant wishes as quickly or as fully as a Watcher.
They are also the most aggressive protectors in all the spirit kingdoms. If you need a lot of protection for whatever reason, this spirit should be your first choice. You can get protection from them as well as all they command.
These beings are always benevolent and their class is similar to angels. There is nothing to fear from bringing one into your life.
Watchers are not merely watching guardians they do much more. All of them grant wishes and there is only one type of watcher spirit that I have ever encountered so I don't divide them into classes. These are not the same type of spirit as Dark Grigori Watchers.
They are not difficult to get along with and definitely not harsh or bossy. They help us to attain a higher level in a gentle yet effective way. Most of them even have very outgoing and fun personalities so there is no need to be concerned about them being commanding or difficult.
They can help you to evolve spiritually, grant unlimited wishes like no other beings, offer extreme protection, guide you, teach hidden knowledge, and give unlimited spiritual resources. The possibilities really are endless.
Just as with other entities, any paranormal activity is possible. Most watchers will manifest by a peaceful atmosphere in your home. Unexplained noises, orbs, streaks of light, and other activity can occur. Any type of paranormal activity is possible at any time. It is also normal for this and any spirit to have periods of little or no activity.
This male watcher looks in spirit form to be a mature man. He has short blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. His robe is white.
He is powerful and can grant light wishes with ease and more effectively than a Djinn. Any wish is within his ability to grant as long as it does not harm anyone. He can grant unlimited wishes for a lifetime.
This entity can also bring wealth, love, luck, and much more. Watchers bring peace and blessings into your life simply by having them around you. These things will happen even faster if you specifically wish for them.
His personality is enthusiastic, warm, fun, and effusive.
The buyer will receive his name and information via email. Please let me know if you have any questions before purchasing.
Please read entire Store Policy Page.
This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that any item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!
This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.