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 Product Description


This item is an amethyst stone selected at random for you.

With the purchase of this item you get this enchantment for free.

Psychic attacks are a little different than being drained by a psychic vampire although it’s possible to have both happening to you at the same time.

A psychic attack happens when someone sends a huge amount of negative energy into your life. This can happen from them being jealous, angry, thinking evil thoughts about you often, or even doing magick against you. The evil eye is a form of psychic attack the manifests as a curse but not the only form of psychic attack. A basic psychic attack can be sent to you by anyone even if they do not practice magick. It can be done through thinking bad thoughts about you or even prayers with negative intent.

Once the negative energy they have sent to you takes hold in your life it can cause many things such as; bad luck, financial problems, relationships problems, ill health, decline in all areas, emotional instability, charka/aura problems, weight gain/loss, changes in appearance, personality changes, self- destructive tendencies, obsession, fear, worry, and much more.

The person who is being psychically attacked generally starts to have these problems and they increase or remain constant until the attack has been broken. It’s a negative cycle that needs to stop for the positive energy to come back. What makes it more complicated is that some people who send psychic attacks don’t just do it one time. It can be an ongoing, life-long problem if someone really hates you.

Figuring out who it is exactly is not that important if you end the attack and keep constant protection going to block future attacks then their energy will go back to them no matter who it is. However, I’ve seen cases where it’s obvious who the perpetrator is because they start to have a string of bad luck when their victim defends themselves.

Psychic attack usually requires a clearing first to get rid of the negative energy followed by constant vigilant protection of white light bubbles, prayers, and energy meditations so keep your aura strong.

This enchanted stone can also help. Keep it close to you and it will emit positive protective energy to help counteract and deflect negative psychic energy. The spell is meant to be a defense in addition to the other above mentioned defenses. This enchantment can help you break this destructive cycle for good and protect you from those who want to do you harm. It must be carried regularly for best effects. You can also place it in a special spot in your home.

If you would like to have this spell placed directly on you then please contact me.

I also recommend considering a psychic vampire protection stone, negativity and curse clearing, and aura/charkra repair stone to use in conjunction with this spelled item.

Please read the warranty below as well as the store policy page before purchasing.

 Warranty Information

Please read entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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