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Glass Bead with DARK MERMAID

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 Product Description


This item is a frosted red Murano glass bead.

With the purchase of this item, you get this dark mermaid binding for free.

This lovely mermaid is not your typical mermaid. She is a "dark" being. This means that she does not hold the same moral codes that most humans do. She is more inclined to seek carnal desires and pleasure instead of spiritual enlightenment. It does not, however, mean that she is evil. She simply has different priorities than the "light" mermaids.

All mermaids help their keepers to increase their psychic development. Being of the water element they can't help but to be in tune with emotions and intuitions, it is just second nature to them. This mermaid takes this ability a step further. She will help you develop all manner of psychic ability but also make you face your own emotions and inner desires.

There is so much inside of us that we as humans suppress in order to live in this "civilized" society. This mermaid will bring all of that out. You will have to not only admit the feeling that you have been trying to deny but learn to embrace them and accept them as a part of who you are. For instance, maybe you have been stuffing all the anger that you have toward someone deep down inside so you can put on the socially acceptable pretenses. This will only harm you in the long term. This mermaid would force you to acknowledge, feel, and embrace this anger and help you find a constructive outlet for it. No hiding your feelings in the depths any longer. It is ok to feel and have these emotions, this mermaid will help you to acknowledge who you really are and make peace with it.

The same goes for your inner desires. If you are this mermaid's keeper then you will learn to say what you really want and get what you desire in life. No more denying yourself for others and letting your own dreams slip away. Just be warned that this can affect those around you so always act responsibly. Only act on your true desires, not every passing flight of fancy that floats through your head.

 Basically, this spirit will help you to be more aware of yourself first and then all of those around you.

Wealth is something that she naturally attracts like a magnet because wealth brings luxury. She's even been known to increase luck and reveal treasures of all types on occasion.

This mermaid is also highly seductive, sensual, and erotic. She is bisexual. Dream and vision sexual encounters are possible with this mermaid but only if you want it as well. Being only friends is perfectly fine with her.

Her entire outlook on life is one of pleasure and fun. If you don’t have those things then you aren’t living.

She is a lovely being from the Pacific Ocean. She has sun kissed medium tone skin and long black hair, with a lean busty figure. Her eyes are blue and she has crimson red colored scales.

This mermaid is sensual, interactive, flirtatious, and naughty.

She produces small and subtle paranormal activity including; lights, orbs, splashing sounds, water mist, and unexplained water puddles. Any other type of activity is possible.

The name and information will be sent to the buyer via email. Please let me know if you have any questions and read the warranty below as well as the store policy page before purchasing.


 Warranty Information

Please read Entire Store Policy page for full disclaimer.

This item is sold as a curio for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that this item will have any specific result or effect. I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of this item. I do not guarantee paranormal results in any way!

This item is not a substitute for medical or other professional care. If you have a health concern, see a licensed physician immediately. If you have any other concern such as (but not limited to) legal or financial, consult a professional in that field.

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