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January Weekly Spell


Success and Easy Path Ahead Spell - This spell will be cast on 1/31/25 - CAST 1/31/25 9:16 am CST

This spell is meant to bring you success and to clear the path ahead for you. It helps you succeed at whatever you are trying to achieve and it removes obstacles in your path. It also helps to keep that path clear and make everything go more smoothly.


Attachment Clearing Spell - This spell will be cast on 1/24/25 - CAST 1/24/25 8:!8 AM CST

This is an attachment clearing protection spell. This spell destroys any unwanted attachments and cords to you, you aura, or your chakras. This includes thought forms, servitors, spells, parasites, and other entities. It also completely disintegrates parasites and other entities so you get rid of any spirits and the attachments.

This type of clearing often helps with energy drains, recurring negative entities, spiritual attacks, negative thoughts, depression, and material bad luck.


Try to keep your aura and chakras strong with regular meditation to help keep new attachments from attaching to you.


Enhance My Psychic Abilities Spell - This spell will be cast on 1/17/25 - CAST 1/17/25 7:35 am CST

This spell is designed to open and enhance and natural psychic abilities that you have. It will help sharpen your skills and you may even develop new skills as well. Just keep practicing and using your skills daily and the spell will help you get better results and more accurate information from your abilities.

Remember to focus on the psychic abilities that you have, not just ones that you want. We all have a unique set of psychic gifts and we don’t necessarily get specific ones at will even if your 3rd eye is open. So, this spell enhances your own inherent abilities.


Doing divination often and daily meditation helps the spell work even better and faster.


Super Luck and Money Spell - this spell will be cast on 1/10/25 - CAST 1/10/25 7:11 am CST

This is a POWERFUL spell that is meant to bring great luck and money.

If you can't seem to get a break and things aren't going your way, this spell can bring you new opportunities and luck in all areas of your life. I'm not just talking about gambling, luck can take many forms and this spell can help increase it. Things might just fall into place and seem to always go your way.


This spell could also bring you many new ways to increase your cash flow. New opportunities, ingenious ideas, better jobs, winning things, and there are a million other ways money could come to you.


General Negativity Clearing spell - This spell will be cast on 1/3/25 - CAST 1/3/25 7:00am CST

This spell is done to clear any type of negative, old, and stagnant energy around you. It also helps clear and reset your aura.It eliminates any current hexes and prevents new hexes and harmful energy coming to you. It also protects from your own negativity and harmful unbound spirits.

If you have incurred bad karma it can also help clear that as well. It even clears and protects from psychic attacks.

Basically, this spell clears any type of negative magick, entities, or energy.

If someone is sending you the negative energy in any form then the spell automatically rebounds it on them without them knowing and without bad karma for you. 

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