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February Weekly Spell


Evil Eye, Hex, and Curse Protection spell - This spell will be cast on 2/28/25 - CAST 2/28/25 7:30am CST

This spell banishes the evil eye, hexes, and curses of all kinds. Cleansing and eliminating this negativity from your life.

It is meant to cleanse and eliminate this negative force and restore your life. Gradually things can start to improve in every area of your life. You can be happy and life can be enjoyable again. Luck can return, money, health, happiness, good relationships, and everything else that has been stolen from you can return to you.

If someone is actively sending this into your life this spell will also send their energy back to them and prevents them from harming you in the future. The negative energy they are creating will stay in their life and affect them instead of you. So, if someone you know suddenly takes a turn for the worse, they are probably the one. This does not curse them, it just lets them reap the benefit of what they create. If they stop creating the negativity then it won't affect them anymore. 


Egyptian Money Spell - This spell will be cast on 2/21/25 - CAST 2/21/25 7:54 am CST

This is a very old spell which calls upon Egyptian deities and magick to bring more money into your life. This spell could work in many ways including new opportunities, career advancement, help from others, gambling luck, etc.

If you need a better flow of cash in your life this spell usually works really well to open up the doors for new money. Sometimes you might even get multiple avenues of cash coming toward you. 


Positive Energy Spell - This spell will be cast on 2/14/25 - CAST 2/14/25 7:20 am CST

This spell increases and draws positive energy. It can help clear out negative energy, deflect negative magick, and might even repel negative people while adding a positive atmosphere around you. This helps everything go a little more smoothly and brings uplifting energy into your life.

 It can also renew hope and optimism for the future. 

I consider this spell neutral, not light or dark as there is positive energy in both ends of the spectrum. So it will not harm or bother and dark spirits or magick. 


Emotional Healing Spell - This spell will be cast on 2/7/25 - CAST 2/7/25 8:35 am CST

This spell helps one to heal emotionally from trauma, pain, and past hurts of all kinds. It can help lift spirits, heal old pain, and help you move forward in a positive way in life. It can also help with anxiety, fear, and other negative reactions to stress. It may take some time to work fully and you have to be willing to work with the spell to let the past go but this spell will make it easier to heal and mend.

In addition, it can help you be stronger and less susceptible to emotional hurts in future situations. Things that may have bothered your before may bother you less and less as time goes forward.

Be sure to use any medical treatments necessary as well.

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