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December Weekly Spell


New Beginnings Spell - This spell will be cast on 12/27/24 - CAST 12/27/24 7:52am CST

This spell is meant to help you leave the past behind and provide blessing energy for a new beginnings. It helps to break old patterns and gives you a better opportunity to reach a turning point in life. This spell is great for resolutions, life changes, and even just to get rid of stagnant energy.

It also adds positive energy to make transitions and changes go as smoothly as possible.

Neutralize Stressful Emotions Spell - This spell will be cast on 12/20/24 - CAST 12/20/24 7:42am CST

Great for the holidays! This spell is meant to help neutralize stressful emotions so that you can function in stressful situations without breaking down. Then after the situation passes you can healthfully work through any lingering issues.

Health and Speedy Recovery Spell - This spell will be cast on 12/13/24 - CAST 12/13/24 7:58 am CST

This spell is designed to help heal and speed recovery when in ill health. It helps promote strength, repair, and renewal and also helps with a peaceful state of mind. It can also help with a state of better health in general.

In some cases complete healing is not possible but it can help you heal as much as you are capable of. Be open to new treatments and new ideas for healing as well. As always, see a doctor if you are ill.

Return to Sender Spell - This spell will be cast on 12/6/24 - CAST 12/6/24 8:19am CST

This spell is designed to send any energy sent by a person(s) back to them. It rebounds their energy and sends it right back so they are the only ones affected by it. This includes hexes, curses, negative thoughts, psychic attacks, spells, prayers, emotions, and spirits. So anything harmful sent toward you either intentional or not is rebounded to its sender with no harm to you. This includes gossip and ill intent as well.

You do not need to know who is sending the energy or where they are. It will find its way back to them regardless.

Also, the person won’t see it as a hex or magick done by you because it’s simply their own energy going back to them. So they won’t know what has happened. It speeds up their karma and makes an evil done return to them more quickly as well.

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